Using the bulk upload feature ============================= To facilitate adding rosters of new departments or updating existing departments there is a flask command that gives system administrators the ability to load the data from a csv file directly into the database. **Warning** This process is not very robust at this point and there is risk of leaving the database in an inconsistent state. It is strongly recommended to back up the database before starting this operation and to run the command on a development server first and see if the results are as expected. Preparation steps ----------------- - Create department if it does not exist - Add ranks in hierarchical order, make sure all the ranks present in the csv are added Layout of the csv file ---------------------- The csv file can have the following fields: :: department_id unique_internal_identifier first_name last_name middle_initial suffix gender race employment_date birth_year star_no job_title unit_id star_date resign_date salary salary_year salary_is_fiscal_year overtime_pay Explanation of the individual fields ------------------------------------ General information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``department_id`` id of department in the server database, for example ``1`` for Chicago Police Department can be found in url for that department: - ``unique_internal_identifier`` a string or number that can be used to uniquely identify the officer, in departments in which the badge number stays with the officer using that number is fine, otherwise it is recommended to leave this blank and provide the ``star_no`` instead. - ``first_name`` & ``last_name`` & ``middle_initial`` - ``suffix`` one of ``Jr, Sr, II, III, IV, V`` - ``gender`` one of ``M``, ``F``, ``Other`` or ``Not Sure`` - ``race`` one of ``BLACK``, ``WHITE``, ``ASIAN``, ``HISPANIC``, ``NATIVE AMERICAN``, ``PACIFIC ISLANDER``, ``Other``, ``Not Sure`` - ``employment_date`` start of employment with this department - ``birth_year`` Current Employment information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``star_no`` star or badge number, might be related to current rank - ``job_title`` rank or title, needs to be added to this department verbatim or ``Not Sure`` - ``unit_id`` id of unit within the department - ``star_date`` (sic) start date of this assignment - ``resign_date`` resignation date of this assignment Salary information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``salary_year`` year of which the salary information is provided - ``salary_is_fiscal_year`` 'true' or 'false', salary information is on fiscal year basis vs. calendar year - ``salary`` salary in given year - ``overtime_pay`` overtime received in given year Required fields ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``department_id``, ``first_name``, ``last_name``, ``job_title`` and either ``star_no`` or ``unique_internal_identifier`` are required. - ``employment_date``, ``star_date`` and ``resign_date`` can be either in ``yyyy-mm-dd`` or ``mm/dd/yyyy`` format - if the column is present the field cannot be left blank Command-line options -------------------- - ``--no-create`` - For each line in the CSV, update an existing officer if one exists, but do not create any new officers. If an officer in the CSV is not already in OpenOversight, the line will be ignored. - ``--update-by-name`` - Update officers by ``first_name`` and ``last_name``. Useful when ``unique_internal_identifier`` and ``star_no`` are not available. - ``--update-static-fields`` - Allow modifications to normally-static fields like ``race``, ``birth_year``, etc, which OpenOversight normally prevents from being modified. Values in the database will be overwritten with values in the CSV. The command to run on the server -------------------------------- ``/usr/src/app/OpenOversight$ flask bulk-add-officers [/path/to/csv_file.csv]``